How To Add Videos To Your Online Course: NyayoZangu Learn 23rd Oct Update
Listening To Users One of the things that we as a team have devoted ourselves to is constantly listening to what our users have to say. That is why we…
Listening To Users One of the things that we as a team have devoted ourselves to is constantly listening to what our users have to say. That is why we…
Time really goes by fast. I'm sure if you are reading this, then time is something your most certainly appreciate. Today we want to talk about what we have been…
Hello there, In this article, we will cover some critical updates on the latest NyayoZangu Learn version. We have been working on making things more stable and some requested features.…
Social media presence is on the rise. As a business in 2022, it is almost suicidal not to have a digital presence. One of the more prominent ways to create…
NyayoZangu Learn Home Page What we've been up to If you have been following our recent ventures you realize that we have been talking a lot about a new product…
From a business perspective, in this new age there is a need for a digital presence. Essentially this will mean that the business is able to take its position and enter the digital space. This may include creating a social media page, company website, online forums for customers, promotional content as well as other digital tools. Now it sounds like quite a simple process, this digital presence thing? As with all things, there are a few things to consider when building a digital presence. We will focus on a few that a business would be wise to consider when devising its digital strategy.
We began this year by posting a job position for our business development team, and we started the journey in hunting for the right candidates who could join our team. In all fairness it was quite an interesting ride that we got to take. There are a lot of things that we ended up learning during that process of wanting to expand our team.
Maana Halisi Ya Mshindani Kwenye Biashara. Mwaka jana, kuna wakati tuliongelea kuhusu ushindani kwenye biashara. Wakati huo, tiliona kuna changamoto kwenye uelewa wa watu juu ya maana halisi ya…
Kuna tafiti ilifanyika kuhusu maisha ya biashara ndogo, majibu yaliyo toka yalionyesha kwamba 98% za biashara zina kufa ndani mwaka mmoja baada ya kuanzishwa. Haya ni baadhi ya makosa yanayo fanyika wakati wa kuanzisha biashara hizi.
Kwenye biashara kuna nguvu zinazo husika kwenye kuamua ni nani kati ya mnunuzi au muuzaji ndio ana ushawishi zaidi juu ya mwenzake.
one was to leave Tanzania around the year 2010 and come back in 2021, there would be many things that this individual would have to get used to. Among these things, Social Media Presence in Tanzania would definitely be among the top of the list. This is to say that the transformation that has happened within a decade in Tanzania in this space is enormous.
We are so excited to share with you all our new website. On our journey of self discovery and growth, we are always happy to be able to share with you the different stages that we go through, because we always believe that by sharing our experiences and opportunities, there's always a chance that, just as we were encouraged to embark on this journey, someone out there will be inspired to take embark on their own journeys.
The NyayoZangu Logo has gone through a few iterations. Over the years, these iterations have always revolved around this idea of the footprints. From the beginning the meaning behind the idea of the footprints pretty much remained the same, even as more elements were being added or removed from the logo. The NyayoZangu Logo has gone through 3 main changes, and in this post, we are going to go through the key factors that encouraged these changes.
MadukaYetu makes it easy to discover local businesses, and their Products and Services.
If you’ve been around NyayoZangu, chances are you have heard the term the NyayoZangu Family, being tossed around here and there. And if you have heard it, then there’s a good chance you are wondering why it is so, what is this Family that keeps being mentioned. Well today is your lucky day, because we are gonna dig up the old files to explore the philosophy behind the family.